dailypakjobs .com – Register For the Ehsaas Program

If you are searching for new jobs in Pakistan, the best way to find them is by registering for the Ehsaas Program. You will be required to register for the program and pay 25,000 rupees in order to become a member. The application process will open in 2022. In case you are already registered, you can check your status through the official portal of the Ehsaas Program.

CRISP will facilitate the gradual expansion of Ehsaas social protection programs

The Crisis-Resilient Social Protection Program (CRISP) will help Pakistan expand its Ehsaas social protection programs and increase its resilience to economic shocks. The program will focus on ensuring universal coverage for the poorest households, increase savings, and enhance social protection for vulnerable groups. The World Bank has approved $600 million for the program.

The CRISP project will also help build the capacity of social registry and data exchange among various social programs and enable beneficiaries to select their own providers. It will also help Pakistan address the human capital impact of social protection programs, such as forgone health services and substantial loss of education caused by prolonged absence from school. The program is a win-win solution for both the government and the workers.

The ADB’s Integrated Social Protection Development Program (CRISP) will also help Pakistan expand its cash transfer program, improve nutrition and health services for the poor. The CRISP program will build on previous ADB funding, strengthen internal controls and support the expansion of Ehsaas social protection programs. It also seeks to reach rural communities.

It will provide conditional cash transfers

The EHSAS Program will provide conditional cash transfer to 17 million households in Pakistan under the Covid-19 scheme. The BISP and other conditional cash transfer programs cover the same beneficiaries. The government has provided a one-time PKR 12,000 payment to these families, which represents almost 100 million people, or nearly half of the population. This money is meant to provide three months’ supplementary income.

It will be implemented in 2022

The EHSAS program is designed to help the poor people in Pakistan to improve their health and well-being. It is implemented by a group of 375 trade unions across 23 districts. These unions provide the eligible graduates with property. The resources of this program include goats, livestock, agricultural efforts, small retail outlets, and more. These jobs will be available in 2022.

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